"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, July 31, 2009

Project Time

Hi Ladies,
So I've been bitten by some kind of bug...a project bug. It's been too much fun. But I was wondering if any of you know of anyone around here that sells vinyl lettering and maybe an idea of the cost. I've never done it before, so if any of you have some great ideas, let me know.
Also, I think Brynn is officially done nursing ...so sad :( I remembered someone offering some formula and was just wondering if that person got rid of it already. Let me know. Thanks.

This was my project as of yesterday. Gotta love a good find from D.I.


Kylee said...

Yes I still have formula, several kinds infact. I know some of it just recently expired (like this month) but I still think it is good, it has never been opened. So if you want it just come by. I would love the extra room in my pantry. (cant seem to to get myself to throw away formula-it is so expensive!)

Liz H said...

Michelle Gibson (Island View 1st Ward) does vinyl lettering. She's great! 801-779-0611