"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, December 29, 2008

And the January Place of Choice winner is...


Mmmm my taste buds are watering already! I've never been to Rumbi's myself but I hear it's fantastic. Now for the time!!!

Cast Your Vote!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Attention Shoppers

So I went to Smiths tonight and they had some great crayola stuff on sale. If you go to the end of the seasonal aisle there is a display with markers and color wonder and twistables, all that stuff that is mostly empty but somethings are there. So I went down the school supplies aisle and they were there but not marked down. But they rang up on sale. I got some markers for $1.25 and some colored pencils things for .97 so Pip Squeaks for 1.25 and some color wonder mini packets with markers and pad for $1.35. Anyways, I always love these sales because we use up our art supplies so fast!!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I have a new blog

So I have a blog where I write my thoughts and I love it, but I don't put personal info on it or pics of the kids because I want to let anyone who wants to read it. So on the request of my friend from florida I am doing another one with the above stuff in it. I did make it an invite only blog so if you want to be invited just post your email in the comment section of this post and I will invite you. Thanks everyone and have a very Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The "where" Poll

The Poll for the "Where" is up! Tell me what those taste buds are thinking!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Ward Christmas Party Saturday

Don't forget the ward Christmas Party is THIS Saturday people! It starts at 6pm!
Santa will be there and tons of yummy food a long with great conversation of course!! If you signed up for food and can't remember what it was don't worry I will be calling and reminding everyone. I look forward to talking to you! ;)
Spread the word, let your neighbors members or not know about it! It's a great way to get to know everyone. It's nice to put a face to a blog! Hope to see you there! If you have any questions, comments or concerns..call someone else! JUST KIDDING call me anytime 726-5858 Melissa

The Polls Have Spoken

Looks like our Girls Night Out will be Thursday, January 22nd. Now for the where...I wasn't sure if anyone wanted to venture out of Layton to the Salt Lake or Ogden area. So any ideas before the next poll would be great! I'll give it a couple days before I post the "where" poll. Start throwing out those ideas!
I know I'm a little late on the uptake, but I wanted to know what everyone's "Christmas Countdown" or Other Christmas Traditions were. I hear of the cutest ideas and thought about maybe incorporating some for next year! So share, share, share!!! I know we have TONS of creativity out there!

Here' what we do. It's from when I was a little girl. It's our "punch" calendar. Every night the boys take turns "punching" (very softly) out one of the numbers and then they get the treat that's inside. And for the 24th we always have treats plus a note to open one present which is of course Jammies!

2009 activity interest

So I am trying to figure out what people want to do for activities this year. I am going to post yet another vote. If you could vote for what you are interested in that would be great. Also if there are any ideas of kinds of things you would like to do for activities please comment or let me know. We want to make sure that we do activities where there is genuine interest. Since you can only vote on one thing, pick the item you have the most interest in.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Merry Christmas from me to you!

Okay soooo, like I need the work right now because I currently am working on 3 orders, but I wanted to do a christmas thing for all y'all. hee hee So right now, I am going to do a drawing and to the person drawn they get a FREE hat and flower, and if it has to be shipped you will also get the shipping as a gift. So merry Christmas! T'is the Season! Please venture over to Ali Hats to enter your name, just leave me a comment and then I will do a drawing on Tuesday the 16th at 10:00 pm and I will announce the winner on Ali Hats that night as soon as I am done and from ther I will contact you on what you want. So tell ALLLLLLL your friends! And please leave nice comments or I may not pick you! hee hee I am hoping to get lots of entries! Good luck everyone!
I will only take names for the drawing from Ali Hats comments.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I went to Old navy this morning
They have MANY things on sale for $5 :)
I didn't even know---they just started it today.
I was going nuts....lol
JUST some Info TODAY for ya!
.Happy Shopping.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Temple Open House

Here is the link to get tickets to the Draper Temple open house. We are taking the kids, we took them to Twin Falls and they thought it was neat to see what was inside. You do not have to be a member of the church to go and your kids don't have to be a certain age to go. So basically everyone can go you just have to get a ticket.

Monday, December 8, 2008

January Night Out

I know that Stacy wanted to share the load of organizing our nights out so I thought I'd volunteer for January. I've posted 2 poles on the side to vote for which week and the day of the week then I guess we'll go from there. So get voting girlies! Before we know it Christmas will be over and we'll have moved on to 2009!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


So who is going to be able to make it on Friday??? Please leave a comment if you are coming and if you are bringing friends so we can know how many are coming. I am going to call and see if we can reserve a table. So we need to know about how many we are having come. I am so ready for this, Steve has been gone all week and is gone half of this week and I am ready to be kid free!!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nia class

Ok Ladies,

I teach this awesome movement class (also call exercise class) call Nia. It's a combination of Dance Arts, Martial Art, and Healing Arts (ie yoga), put to fun different music, and done barefoot. I'm hoping to get a free/donation class going to introduce others to Nia and also to help me get into better teaching shape.

What I love about Nia is I can workout for an hour and it feels like I was playing for definitely not that long. It's intended to be easy on the body (ie no jaring or rough movement on the joints). You can make it as difficult of a workout as you want (ask Nadine Washburn I taught a class for Relif Society and she thought she was going to have to go running afterword, didn't go running, and was still quite sore a couple days later!) You can also do this pregnant, I taught quite a ways through my last pregnancy, and had friend who did nia up to the day before giving birth and was back within a week, yes she is quite a super woman!

The class will be Tuesdays at 7pm. Is there any interest? If you're interested does that day and time work for you? If they don't work for you, what day and time would work better? I also will be teaching Nia at the Clearfield Aquatic Center starting January 8 at 10am. That class will cost $40 for an 8 week class for Clearfield residents ($45 for non-residents).

Chech out Nia at the official Nia website http://www.nianow.com/