"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, February 1, 2010

Need a babysitter for V-Day?

Hey Ladies,
Valentine's Day is coming up soon! I thought I might just throw out there that I'll be home that weekend without the hubby so if you need me to babysit for you so you can go out, I'm here. Maybe we could trade so that during the next week when I will have my hubby we could maybe go on a date too.
Or, if you are home alone too, you could come join me for a good chick flick or something. Just let me know!


Tanada said...

Hey, is your hubby working all valentines weekend? If you wanted to go out this weekend I could watch your kids.

BTW was it tommorow that you wanted me to watch your kids? I put it on my calendar but I wasn't 100% sure that was the day. I'm still planning on it.

Jacque said...

No, it's friday the 12th. Thanks.