"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, May 31, 2009

2 Truths and a Lie

So, I wanted to introduce myself to the blog (which I kind of did in Stacy's previous post). But I thought it would also be fun to play this little game with everyone. I'm sure you've heard of it. You tell three things about you. Two of them are true, and one is a lie. You take a stab at which one is the lie, and in the mean time, you get to know me a little bit more. I'll share the stories sometime.

#1 - I sang back up for Shania Twain in concert.

#2- Celine Dion and I picked out vegetables at Wal-Mart together.

#3- I ate a sack lunch in the car with President Hinckley.

Good luck. Take a guess and then share your own.
:) Jacque


Stacy said...

I am going for 2 and 3 are true since you said you don't usually participate in music. Humm this is hard.

1. Worked in a home for troubled youth.
2.Got married, pregnant, moved cross country in 5
months time
3.I want 6 kids

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Stacy!
but #3 would be SO COOL!..lol {hey Pres. H....I'll trade my oreo cakers for your fruit rool up}

#2 & 3 for stacy....IS THAT RIGHT??????


1. I have two tattoo's
2. I got my picture taken with Oscer de lahoya
3. I was a snobby cheerleader.

Jacque said...

For Stacey, I say #1 and #2.

Annie- #1 and #2

This is kind of hard considering I've talked to Annie only through sneaky whispering during the Relief Society lesson.

Stacy said...

So Annie not sure, I should know.. I think you only have 1 tatoo?? So I am going with #2 and #3. I will wait a few days to reveal my truths!!!

Kylee said...

So Stacy is blackmailing me to do this. Here goes:

1-I passes out 3 times and threw up twice my first time through the temple.

2-I once laughed so hard a marshmallow came out my nose.

3-I took ballroom dance classes in High School.

As for the rest of you:
Stacy 1 & 2 are true
Annie 2 & 3 are true
Jaque no idea. But I guess 2 & 3

Melissa said...

This is fun. I'm taking a stab at it and I"m not being blackmailed!

1-I have completed 2 half-marathons (shouldn't that count for one full marathon)
2-I traveled across europe for my honeymoon
3-I defended my masters thesis one week before giving birth to Jesse

April said...

Okay, I've been wanting to do this just had a hard time thinking of what to put. So here's my try.

1. I come from a large family of 8 kids.

2. My 'honeymoon' was 2 weeks in Spain.

3. I've lived at 6 different addresses and 3 different states in my first 4 years of marriage.

For my Guesses
Jacque- 1 & 3
Stacy- 2 & 3
Annie- 2 & 3 also
Kylee- 1 & 3
Melissa- 1 & 3

Guess we'll see how right I am later! :-)