"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So for those of you who still check that blog like good nice ladies should. I have extra stuff from the garden to share. I have zuchini that is huge, we were gone, that would make good bread or pie or whatever people do with it. I batter and fry it so you can only use so much or you will no longer fit through the door. I have some yellow squash and some basil, yummy pesto here I come. I am about to have tomatoes everywhere. They are all about to start turning red and lets be honest you only can eat so much salsa before bad things start to happen. So who wants what?


April said...

I'd love some zuchini and squash. I have too many tomatoes already! :-)

Jacque said...

I have a box full of squash too if you run out and people want more.

Hmmm, I'll take some zucchini and just a few tomatoes. Mine are still far from turning red and it will stop me from buying them at the store for a few more weeks.

I'll come over and get them tomorrow.

ps, are we going to the petting zoo tomorrow? Call me or I'll call you.

Stacy said...

Come and get what you want!!!

April said...

Got a nice flu again right now...I'll be by to get some stuff when I can or send hubby. :-)