"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, February 4, 2010


So I realize that every time I post on this blog that I am asking for your help. So I thought maybe this time I would try something a little more fun. A little something worth reading (you may or may not agree). I enjoy getting to know you through silly things like this so just smile and participate!

1. What are three of your favorite t.v. shows.

2. What are three things you do every night before going to bed.

3. What is one goal you made for 2010?

4. What are two things you are notorious for?

5. What is one hobby/talent that you consider yourself interested in? (I did not say good at!!!)

Have fun! I'll let someone else pick 5 other questions for the next post.


Jacque said...

I guess I'll start...I should have thought of my answers before I asked the questions.

1. The Biggest Loser, Grey's Anatomy, Friends
2. Check facebook, take my BCP, Brush my teeth
3. Lose weight
4. Losing my keys/phone and not hanging up my towel
5. Digital Scrapbooking

Tanada said...

1. The Good Wife, The Mentalist, The Office
2. Practice piano, check the kids and brush my teeth
3. Potty train Lillian
4. Being stubborn, sleeping in
5. Playing the piano (I'm not that good yet)

Thanks Jacque that was fun! It's also fun getting to know you more.

MissMeliss{a} said...

Grey's Anatomy, Priveate Practice and Desperate Housewives.
Play on my phone, Pee and Call Chris if he isn't home yet.
Losing Weight!
Loving my sleep and having no filter.

Stacy said...

Melissa!! I laughed out loud. I consider myself your filter.
Bones, Better off Ted, The Middle
Pee, take contacts out, make Steve check the kids
Humm, not a goal for the year person
Chatting, not showering everyday

Melissa said...

I'm always so far behind in posting anything... oh well here I go
1. Grey's Anatomy, 24, and Biggest Loser
2. brush teeth, potty, read scriptures
3. do another triathlon
4. not waiting for people to stop talking before I do and singing all the time (my kids are always telling me to stop, rude!)
5. music, some things I'm good at, some I am NOT!