"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nia class

Ok Ladies,

I teach this awesome movement class (also call exercise class) call Nia. It's a combination of Dance Arts, Martial Art, and Healing Arts (ie yoga), put to fun different music, and done barefoot. I'm hoping to get a free/donation class going to introduce others to Nia and also to help me get into better teaching shape.

What I love about Nia is I can workout for an hour and it feels like I was playing for definitely not that long. It's intended to be easy on the body (ie no jaring or rough movement on the joints). You can make it as difficult of a workout as you want (ask Nadine Washburn I taught a class for Relif Society and she thought she was going to have to go running afterword, didn't go running, and was still quite sore a couple days later!) You can also do this pregnant, I taught quite a ways through my last pregnancy, and had friend who did nia up to the day before giving birth and was back within a week, yes she is quite a super woman!

The class will be Tuesdays at 7pm. Is there any interest? If you're interested does that day and time work for you? If they don't work for you, what day and time would work better? I also will be teaching Nia at the Clearfield Aquatic Center starting January 8 at 10am. That class will cost $40 for an 8 week class for Clearfield residents ($45 for non-residents).

Chech out Nia at the official Nia website http://www.nianow.com/

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I think it sounds fun. I will be out of the game the next couple of months but then I am up for anytime. We don't have things weeknights.