"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, February 28, 2009

BABY FOOD JARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need Baby food JARS....by Tuesday...for ENRICHMENT
If you have some----PLEASE, please, PLEASE bring them to
My house.
thanks in advance!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Fire Station Final Count and Free Stuff

So I wanted to make sure I have everyone that wants to go to the fire station. I have Melissa C (2), Melissa K (1), Kylee (2), Sharida (2), Jessica (1), April (2), me (3), Erin (3), and ... If I forgot you please post so I can add you to the count. I am not sure why they need to know but I want to make sure I have a count so in case they do hats or coloring books or something we have enough so we don't have tears. If I do have your name let me know how many kids you want to count. Like I am counting my big 3 but not Elsie. So let me know how many you need me to count in case they hand things out if it is different then the # by your name. The tour will last about a half and hour.

The Natural History Museum is FREE on Monday. It is really fun. They have a sand pit where they can dig for bones and a new thing upstairs where they can do a puppet show. It is always better when it is free!!!

The Art Museum is FREE on Wednesday. My kids like going to see the art and funny sculptures. They have a special exhibit of Native American Art right now.

Pampered Chef

Pampered Chef Sale TODAY ONLY Friday, Feb 27!!!
20% off all orders and FREE SHIPPING
Call your friends and family...........

View the catalog @ www.pamperedchef.com and then
CALL ME with your orders by 8:00 pm
Some popular favorites if you don't already have them:
Food Chopper, STONEWARE, ice cream scoop,
measuring cups and spoons, collapsible bowl, etc.
Feel free to call me with any questions
Have a great day! :) Nicole Olsen 773-1754

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

March Night Out

So ya'll who could not come missed out. I am sure we caused a huge scene with all the laughing!! So you need to try to come next time. I posted the polls all at once so we can plan ahead and get things worked out better this time. Maybe my brain will start working soon!! Here are the websites for the restaurants I know I did not know what some of them were.


Anyone know of anyone who has old barn wood.....an old fence being torn down? Barn being torn down.....?
I don't need tonz...just a small portion...:)
I need I need!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Facebook anyone?

I want to know if any of you have facebook? Because if you do I would like to be your "friend" So if you have one let me know your site or whatever it's called. Have fun!

Monday, February 23, 2009

ohh ya!

WHOOOOOOOO is going to deeener tomorrow night?


I feel........that.............I should stop taking pictures of Stacy's baby!
She has had enough!
can ya tell?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Get fit

I am grouping Annie in this with me. We thought it might be fun if we did this together. I posted on my blog my weight and measurements, Annie promised to do the same. In doing so we are hoping that it will motivate us to keep up with exercise and eating better. We thought it would be great if we could all love and support each other in trying to be healthier. I know some people don't need to lose weight but I think we can all try to be more fit. I really believe size is not an indicator of fitness level. Anyways, if anyone ever wants to go walking, not early in the morning, let me know. Or if you want to laugh so hard you pee your pants come do turbo jam with me. I am not the most coordinated person, it is pretty funny to watch.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Fire Station Time And the ZOO

The Syracuse Fire Department
March 3 at 3:00pm. They are just south of Syracuse Arts Academy off 3000 West. Let me know if you are coming. They want a count of kids to expect so I need to call and let them know. They said there is a video they watch and they get a full tour of the station. She told me it is a new station with all kinds of great things to see. She said they will also gear up so the kids can see and hear what they look like if they ever have to come save them. Also next Wed the 24th is free zoo day and the kids and I are heading down in the afternoon if anyone wants to go!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Fire Station

So Niles wants to go to the fire station. I want to call and set up a tour where they show them the station and they show them the trucks. They also get in full gear so the kids can see how they would look if there is a fire so they will not be scared. Last time they also talked to them in the mask so they would also know what they sound like. It is kinda like a monster so I think it is a good thing to know. Anyways, anyone interested???

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Book club "the marriage book"

Ok April I wanted to thank you for lending me your copy of the book for next months book club. I'm going to buy a copy as soon as I get out of the house. I've been sick today and stayed home from church to rest. I slept most of the day but picked up the book when I just wanted to sit and have something to occupy my brain. I love the book!!!

I don't know how many of you know, but I minored in child and family studies in college and I have taken a number of classes dissecting marriage and children. I respect research and think that opinions about what makes marriage work need to be backed by concrete examples and the best opinions are based off of numerous examples. This book is great. My husband and I have what I call a 'good marriage', now I know that term is relative and wouldn't be used for the same situation by different people.

We have been struggling for the past two weeks more than we normally do. I was baffled by it because we usually have such a strong marriage. After reading this book I realized due to our busy schedules and hectic lives our friendship was suffering. Everything that was happening negatively in our marriage was a symptom of that.

I won't go into detail, but I highly urge people to pick up this book. I am somewhat of a literary snob (blame it on my bachelors in English), but this book is worth the price of admission.

Again the book is by John Gottman and called "The seven principles for making marriage work". Also I wanted to see who might be interested in going to book club this next month and if there might be anyone who wouldn't mind hosting it? Comment and let me know.

Draper Temple Open House

I have 7 tickets for the open house tomorrow at 1:45. Does anyone want to go?? My kids are sick AGAIN!! So we are staying home, but I thought maybe someone would want to go.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cute Canvas Creations

Annie: Just had to share with you our preschool creation. I couldn't get your invitation to create our own masterpiece out my head from the day you and your kids did their own artistic creations. Then when I found the little 5x7 canvas cards at Michael's I knew what we were doing for our Valentine's Day party.

Thanks for the idea! It was fantastic and I think the kids loved it as much as I did.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Final February night out post

So I know it took forever but I think it is done. 6:30 seems to have won. Please comment on this post if you are planning on going to this girls night out so that y'all can carpool if you want. I would love to go, but I'm going to be in Florida. Let me know how it goes and someone needs to be in charge of planning for March, so just comment in this post volunteering for the job.

Friday, February 6, 2009

My baby

I want everyone to go to Annie's website and see my cute baby!!! Annie did such a great job and I think they turned out great! I just thought I would brag on my cute baby and my cute friend Annie.

Feb night out details

Ok so it looks like girls night out for February will be on Tuesday the 24th at the Olive Garden. Yum, I am so bummed I'm going to miss it. I am posting the last vote for the time that works for everyone. I'm putting evening times because you can probably get your hubbies to watch the kiddos. Vote and in the next few days we'll finalize the time as well.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Reading for next month's Book Club

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John M. Gottman, Ph.D.
I don't know if you can find it at the library but I know it's at Barnes & Noble

So this is a book I've been reading, really enjoy and am excited for the chance to share it. Yes this is another marriage book but the wonderful thing is that it isn't based on someone's opinion on what a marriage needs. This book is based on years of research of many different couples, marriages that failed and marriage that didn't. It also includes wonderful little exercises with every principle so that you can actually apply them to your marriage, simple enough our husbands can even do them! :-) It's not faith based or anything like that either...just some basics that every marriage can benefit from.

Please, if you get the chance, read it, come to the next book club meeting and share your thoughts! If you try any of the exercises, if you feel comfortable, please also share any benefits you've seen from them! I love them so far. We're just on the 2nd principle and have already seen benefits!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feb night out place and date

So there is a tie between Tuesday and Friday. I am going to post another poll for those two days and everyone please vote again. I picked a few of the places people mentioned (I couldn't put all the suggestions up) and put up a poll for where everyone wants to go to eat. Please vote on both polls and as soon as we get a day picked I will post a poll for the time of that day.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

New idea

So I was thinking.... I haven't left the house is awhile so this is what happens. Is anyone interested in adding another blog that would be just for swapping things? I have used freecycle in the past and love it but it takes some effort. I thought it might be nice if you had a place where we could post things that we did not need anymore so that if someone needed them we could share. Or if you need or want something that you could post about that and maybe someone would have one laying around. I know we take stuff to DI all the time and I would love it if someone I know could use it. Anyways, I am not sure if anyone would be interested but I thought I would ask.