"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, June 5, 2009

Breakfast at Mimis!

So I found a good deal and just have to pass it on! Go to WWW.mimiscafe.com and click on "join E-Club" at the top. If you don't mind getting a few emails here and there, you can get a coupon for a free breakfast (or up to $10.00 off). I went with a friend today and had me some yummy blueberry and strawberry french toast. MMMmmm!!

A word of caution- I had great visions of us all getting together for a brunch...however, you can only use one coupon per table (and they don't split the ticket so that another can use their coupon...unless you make a stink about it because they didn't tell us that until after they brought us the check). So if you and a spouse want to go, and sit at different tables (really?!?), then you can both use one...or you could just go twice and get 10 bucks off each time. Which is pretty good considering the meal was only about $8. So enjoy!

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