"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, June 8, 2009

Similac Formula can! Any takers?

My name is Angie. I have never posted on this blog site so I'm sure a lot of you don't know me. I have a sample can of Similac formula~the blue can~if any of you would like it or know of any one who could use it. It's never been opened and I received it from the hospital after having my baby 3 weeks ago. You can get back to be either on this blog or call me at 801-698-9258! Let me know!


Anonymous said...

Angie....your so cute! :)
I luv ya.

I will ask around as well......we don't want FORMULA to go to waste.....lol

Kylee said...

Hey if we are handing out formula, I've got some too! I got sample cans in the mail when Lily was born. Although she is now 2, the cans do say they are good until July of this year. I have 5 cans just sitting in my pantry. Dont ask me why I still have them, but you can have them for the low, low cost of free, so call now!

Jacque said...

You may want to check with April Jones. I'm not sure if she will need any for when she returns back to work or not. I'll ask her next time I see her.

Jacque said...

Yes, I talked to April and I think she'd be willing to take it off your hands for you in the event she will need it when she returns back to work.