"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Polls Have Spoken

Looks like our Girls Night Out will be Thursday, January 22nd. Now for the where...I wasn't sure if anyone wanted to venture out of Layton to the Salt Lake or Ogden area. So any ideas before the next poll would be great! I'll give it a couple days before I post the "where" poll. Start throwing out those ideas!


Anonymous said...

I think somewhere close---cuz hubbies are boobs!
I luv rumbies...yum!
their are alot of different new places now in layton...:)

Stacy said...

I thought the 3rd week made it the 15th???

MissMeliss{a} said...

I heard Roosters is good but I don't know how much it is. Just an idea!

MissMeliss{a} said...

I love Rumbie too!

Sharida said...

If we did the 3rd Thursday then it would be the 15th. But January starts on a Thursday which isn't a full week so I started with the first actually week and counted from there. But if that's a problem, I'm sure we could vote on it.

Tanada said...

I like Roosters, but it is a little pricey. Rumbies is one of my favorites, I would love to go there.