"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Possible facebook hacker!

Ok I am officially scared.

This morning I received a message on facebook entitled "Look at this!" I followed a link and stupidly entered my password into a login looking thing. After I did that I started getting messages from friends on facebook that were responding to a mass message my account sent. I got a little weirded out and then looked at someones profile where they said the same thing happened to them and they thought it was a hacker.

If there is a chance my account was hacked I didn't want anyone to have access to pics of my kids and my friends. I got rid of my account just to make sure. I can't take any chances when it comes to the safety of my kids. Please let all of your friends on facebook know about this problem.

DO NOT open any messages entitled "Look at this!" or follow any links called fbstarter.com and absolutely do not enter your password to your account into the supposed login it sends you to.

I am so sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused any of my friends. Believe me it was unintentional and caused by a lack of my usual caution. Thanks and let your friends know so that nobody else has to cancel their accounts!

Tana Horton

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Spring Fling Super Saturday!

So I was thinking I should post our Super Sat. projects for those who don't go to the stake center for church (Liz). The due date for signing up and paying is this Sunday.

If anyone wants to do a project just leave a comment or let me know. The little magnet board is $10 and if you tell me the color you want and what you want to use it for I can arrange the stuff so that you can have the type you want ie. a boy one, a kitchen one, etc.

This is a first aid kit made out of a potholder. It is $6 and very cute. It's perfect to add to 72 hr kits and such.

This is a picture necklace. It is $13. Very cute and a perfect mothers day present.

This vinyl project will be just the glass in the frame with the vinyl, very in right now. You can paint the frame and you can get the vinyl in a few different colors: white, black, brown, bright pink or blue. It will be $6.50 for the project.

For this vinyl project you need buy the picture and the frame. So for the vinyl and the paint for the frame it will be $4. That way you can get a picture of whatever temple you like the best.

I'm still not sure how much these needlepoint projects are but they can't be too expensive. You can do whatever saying you want. There is a number of them laminated on a ring next to the projects on Sunday if you want to look through them.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bring your Own Meat BBQ Revised!!

I want to host a BBQ on this Friday. I am thinking lunchtime, 11 cook food eat 11:30, and the kids can play. Anyone wanna come? Bring your own meat. I will have condiments if you need them, lettuce, onion, tomato, and pickles and such. But if you need a bun or something bring it with ya. Then just bring something to share. Hope everyone can come.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Steve sent this to me. It seems to be cool. We signed Niles up. It is free!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Alright Ladies. So in a couple of weeks it's my birthday (and I am expecting presents LOL;-). But I want to learn how to make sushi for my birthday. I have no idea where to go, what to look for, anything. Please help me!


I was thinking of having a BYOM BBQ. I thought it might be fun to do it at lunch time and let the kids play. We could divy out the other sides and just get together and have fun. Anyone interested?? Also anyone interested in getting together 3 times a week to workout? We could share workout videos and let the kids play?? I am never going to make it to the gym and it is always easier with a buddy.

Need this

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New Address!

Hey girls! I've noticed that someone posted my hair blogspot. Thanks to...someone! I just wanted to let ya'll know that the address has changed! It's still in the works, but here is the new address if anyone wants to check it out!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Stamp Workshop is Here Again!

Yay! It's time again for a Stamp Workshop! I put the detailed post up on my blog, My {K}raft {K}orner, but wanted to give a sneek peak at the fun here as well!

This is the card we will be doing. . . {2nd color option posted on my blog}

And this is the Post It Note Holder we will also be making. . . {let me tell ya, everything is so much cuter in real life too! Different color options will be provided.}

So let me know if you will be joining in on the fun! I hope you all can:) It will be this Saturday @ 3:00 at my house!


Anyone have a Bumbo??

Im on a ROLL!!!!

you guys....I can't take it!!!!
I must make 10 of these ASAP..lol



MAKE this...............

I luv to sew......I can sew

Never used a pattern or elastic....LOL!



Head Count

Girl's Night Out is coming up on Thursday! Yay! A Break! So I'm looking to find out how many people are going! So please leave a comment if you are. We can't make a reservation but if we have a large enough group, we'll want to call ahead and give them some warning! :-)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Creative Minds

So I decided I want to put in labels in the kids clothes that I make for them. I am so not creative when it comes to these things but I want something other than Made By Stacy on the tag. Something cute. I am making some dresses Monday for them so I want to make them by then. Shoot me some cute ideas ladies!!

RS activity this Sat.

Just a reminder. There is a Stake RS activity this Sat April 15 from 8:30am-3:30pm. I know it is a really long activity, but they are going to be doing hands on activities that are each wards best RS activities. If you can't come for all of the activity just come for part. It should be fun.

We are looking for at least 9 people from the ward to come to the activity. The stake wants one person in each group of people from each ward so that they can lead the group in the ward activity. Our activity is a quilt, I know not very imaginative, but it should be fun. I know of five sisters from our ward that are going. If anyone else can make it let me know.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nails snails!!!

Im looking into getting nails :)
who has nails?
where do you go?
How much?
My hands need a makeover!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Just an FYI

Okay, so I was thinking about how sometimes when I get on our blog and haven't checked for a while, it can be a bit overwhelming cause there has usually been a ton of posts! :) Where do you begin? Usually it means you miss stuff people have posted.
So, I decided to take the liberty of organizing a little! If you will now notice there are LABELS! To everything! It was actually kinda hard to come up with some, so I hope it's okay.
Now when you post if you will notice the little space before the "Publish Post" button.... it says "Post Options", then off to the right it says "Labels for this post" with a space. In that space is where you will type the designated category you feel it fits in. If there is not one, make a new one. Please try to keep it relatively simple though, so we don't get a million different categories:) I really think this should help, so if you are new and want to see some fun stuff we've talked about or done, you can peek at the particular category you choose. Or if you are like me and just miss stuff every once in a while, you can just look at the category you want to catch up on. {Side note.... as you start to use the labels, I know it seems like everything could fit under FYI but I had to create it. Some of the posts just didn't fit under any category, so limit that one to those kinds}
Oh, and one last thing. . . on our own little sites off to the side, I created a new list for them so that the ones that are actually 'blogs' will show up with the time they were last updated! It helps to keep you up to date with when new stuff happens with each of our gals! :)
Hope this helps! :)
I also hope people have been checking out the 'fun and creative links' off to the side as well, cause there are some super cool stuff over there!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I know it was forever ago that we visited the Fire Station. I bought myself a new SD card for my new camera and misplaced the old one that had these photos on it. Well, I found it today (yeah!) and thought you all might want to see how much fun we had.

Sorry I dont have pictures of all the kids that were there, but I am not the best photographer in the world and some of the pictures didnt turn out. It was a fun day and Cole still wears his hat. Thanks Stacy for setting it up for us!

Book Club!

Holy smokes! I just realized that I never posted our new book! Ha:) So sorry! It just came to me as I was thinking . . . "I wonder when we should go see the movie for our book... Oh wait! No one knows we're reading it!". . . Ouch. Sorry! I guess this will give those who were there an extra bit to read it, and those who weren't you never knew!
Angie Orison chose our book for this month! We will be reading "He's Just Not That Into You The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys", by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo. And then for our club when we are done next month, we're going to go see the movie! {As a side note, we are trying to hit all kinds of genre's to experience new things out there and see what there is. If it's not your type of book one month, it might be the next. And who knows? You might like something you never thought you would! So come and try! And you don't have to buy the books... go to the library!} I realize we're all married now, but we've all dated before:)
Next month we'll post a poll for showtimes! {It might be out to rent by then, and we could just watch it at someone's house...we'll see!}

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Okay, so I don't know if the poll was working as I have been told by some that they had voted but nothing showed up. So, if you are planning on going to the night out, leave a comment what time- 6pm, 6:30pm or 7pm? Thanks

OR- if everyone going is fine with it, we could just plan on 6:30pm????

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Looking for a fun workout...NIA

Alright ladies! LAST CHANCE!

Sign up for my Nia class at the Aquatic Center! It starts Monday, April 6 at 8:30pm. $20 for the month (that's only $5 a class)! Call the Aquatic Center (801) 525-2640 or go there to the front desk and sign up!

You'll be surprised at how much fun you have AND get a great workout!

April Night out

Okay, it looks like Thursday April 23 won for the night out. Since I didn't have any other suggestions for a place, we are going to The Pizza Factory over on Antelope Dr. I have a poll up for the times. I hope a lot of people can make it. Please, everyone, invite a friend that's not on the blog too. It'll be fun!
Ignore the time stamp on the bottom. I did not write this during conference! :-)

Friday, April 3, 2009


I found a great preschool that has openings. She usually is full years ahead but she just added a class. If you want info let me know. It is only a pre-kindergarden class so they have to be four by Sept 1. The days are Tues, Wed, Thursday and it is $73 a month.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

change of date!

Changeing the GARAGE sale date too the 11th.....
2 reasons!
Might be snowy..{to much work to have 6 people come}
Its conferance weekend.....
So that will give you another WEEK to go through your crap :)
Com'on....who doesn't want extra Cash?