"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Book Club!

Holy smokes! I just realized that I never posted our new book! Ha:) So sorry! It just came to me as I was thinking . . . "I wonder when we should go see the movie for our book... Oh wait! No one knows we're reading it!". . . Ouch. Sorry! I guess this will give those who were there an extra bit to read it, and those who weren't you never knew!
Angie Orison chose our book for this month! We will be reading "He's Just Not That Into You The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys", by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo. And then for our club when we are done next month, we're going to go see the movie! {As a side note, we are trying to hit all kinds of genre's to experience new things out there and see what there is. If it's not your type of book one month, it might be the next. And who knows? You might like something you never thought you would! So come and try! And you don't have to buy the books... go to the library!} I realize we're all married now, but we've all dated before:)
Next month we'll post a poll for showtimes! {It might be out to rent by then, and we could just watch it at someone's house...we'll see!}


Tanada said...

Sounds great!

Sharida said...

I still haven't picked up the book...I'm slow so thanks for forgetting!! lol

If it's out on video by our next book club we've got an awesome set up downstairs with surround sound and projection screen.