"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bring your Own Meat BBQ Revised!!

I want to host a BBQ on this Friday. I am thinking lunchtime, 11 cook food eat 11:30, and the kids can play. Anyone wanna come? Bring your own meat. I will have condiments if you need them, lettuce, onion, tomato, and pickles and such. But if you need a bun or something bring it with ya. Then just bring something to share. Hope everyone can come.


MissMeliss{a} said...

I'm in. I'll bring some chips, if that's okay. Just let me know what else I can bring?

Amy said...

i wanna come!

jEsSiCa said...

Sounds great to me! I'll bring some veggies and ranch dip:)

Tanada said...

I'll come, don't know yet what I'll bring. We'll see next time I go to the store.