"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, April 13, 2009

Just an FYI

Okay, so I was thinking about how sometimes when I get on our blog and haven't checked for a while, it can be a bit overwhelming cause there has usually been a ton of posts! :) Where do you begin? Usually it means you miss stuff people have posted.
So, I decided to take the liberty of organizing a little! If you will now notice there are LABELS! To everything! It was actually kinda hard to come up with some, so I hope it's okay.
Now when you post if you will notice the little space before the "Publish Post" button.... it says "Post Options", then off to the right it says "Labels for this post" with a space. In that space is where you will type the designated category you feel it fits in. If there is not one, make a new one. Please try to keep it relatively simple though, so we don't get a million different categories:) I really think this should help, so if you are new and want to see some fun stuff we've talked about or done, you can peek at the particular category you choose. Or if you are like me and just miss stuff every once in a while, you can just look at the category you want to catch up on. {Side note.... as you start to use the labels, I know it seems like everything could fit under FYI but I had to create it. Some of the posts just didn't fit under any category, so limit that one to those kinds}
Oh, and one last thing. . . on our own little sites off to the side, I created a new list for them so that the ones that are actually 'blogs' will show up with the time they were last updated! It helps to keep you up to date with when new stuff happens with each of our gals! :)
Hope this helps! :)
I also hope people have been checking out the 'fun and creative links' off to the side as well, cause there are some super cool stuff over there!!


Stacy said...

Look at you!! I think it is a great idea. Do you want to come and do my house next?

Anonymous said...

Please come do my house....I will pay you...lol!!!

you did fab! Thank you for making it look so nice!

jEsSiCa said...

Anytime! I first have to finish my house though:) I have too many things I want to do. . . if only I had a money tree in my back yard. . . I'd be done! lol:)