"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, April 2, 2009

change of date!

Changeing the GARAGE sale date too the 11th.....
2 reasons!
Might be snowy..{to much work to have 6 people come}
Its conferance weekend.....
So that will give you another WEEK to go through your crap :)
Com'on....who doesn't want extra Cash?


Stacy said...

Still me.

{C}lique Photography said...
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Sharida said...

Hey if we have more time to go through our junk, I think I want in! Is that okay?

Anonymous said...

Yup thats just FINE!....more the merrier!....and plus its just more STUFF to sell!!

jEsSiCa said...

I totally would, but that's the Saturday before Easter and my family always does a whole egg hunt, bbq, and outdoor game thing:) I love the idea though.... I definitely need to dejunk!

April said...

Oh I wish I could do it. We have so many things to get rid of! But I can't that day!!

Melissa said...

I may still be in... I'm working on talking Torrey into getting rid of ONE of the crap couches!

Tanada said...

I think I'll have gone through my kitchen by then (I have so much stuff I never use). I also need to go through the girls clothes and our garage. I don't know if I'll be done by then, can I let you know in a few days? BTW Annie did you get my message?