"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Anyone have a cute pattern for an apron?? I got some cute fall and christmas fabric and thought they would make cute aprons but I don't have a pattern. The kids love to cook so I thought I would make us matching ones and they would like that. Kenzie is mad that the other two already have one and she doesn't and they don't like to share!


Anonymous said...

ME ME ME!!!!! i made some, tho they aren't the FULL size aprons---only from the waist down....they are CUTE--- :)

Tiffany said...

My sister made Kayla an apron that's cute. I'm sure I can get the pattern easy enough if you want it. (yes I know
I'm posting as Hal, I'll get to changing it one day.)

Melissa said...

I have a great apron pattern that goes by measurements, so it can be made specific to the person and for any sized person, small or big.

Tanada said...

Could you post a html doc with the pattern. I would love to see a great apron pattern. I wanted to make one for my daughter for Christmas too.