"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Western Family Free Product

Well to those of you who do not know me..I'm Melissa Kelley, my family and I just moved into our first house on 2237south 350west (Leanna Choates old home) Someone posted about wanting to know about good deals and stuff like that so if you don't know, Western Family has a free product every week. If you go to www.mywesternfamily.com then choose if you have high speed internet or not. Then click on webisode spot. It makes you watch a commercial on western family product before being able to print off the coupon (I just skip to the end). It's a great way to try new things and it's free so I can't complain. Have fun.


Miriam said...

I'm going to look into that. I bet the kids would have fun going with me to get something free. They love free almost as much as I do. :)

Anonymous said...

thats GREAT----see, I love things like this!