"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Book Club

Hey, just wanted to let everybody know, we have started a little book club in the nieghborhood and everybody is invited! We have already met a couple of times, and it has been so much fun to get together, eat treats, and chat (a little about the book, a lot about everything else). We meet the first Thursday of each month at 8:00 p.m. We are skipping December because it is so crazy, but will be meeting again in January. The book we are reading this time is The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands by Dr. Laura. Let me just tell you, I have read it and think it is a great book, and it was very helpful to my marraige. However, keep in mind Dr. Laura is pretty much the anti-feminist, and does get a little crazy (in my opinion) with some of her ideas. So, it should make for some interesting conversation! I would love to see what you all think of it. Everybody get reading!

P.S. I can't remember where we are meeting in January, I will let you know.


Anonymous said...

Oh---My sister read that book, she liked it----I Think Miss Dr. Laura should come out with "The proper care and feeling of your sweet little wifey"
then have the guys in the ward have a book club...LOL!~

Thats funny!
FUN margie---have to go get the book!

Tanada said...

I think I volunteered to host the January meeting. Let me know if that is wrong, but's that what I recall.

Margie said...

I am with you that Dr. Laura should come out with a book for the men about us! But, lets be honest, no guy would ever read it!

I would LOVE to see Travis in a ward book however! ;)

jEsSiCa said...

Awesome! I'm excited to read it and see what Dr. Laura has to say:) And, Thursdays starting in January should be open, so now I can come!

And seriously funny to think about our boys in a book club!! :)