"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

As a special Thank You:
Thanksgiving weekend there will be a "Black Friday" internet sale on my web site www.ubah.com/x2040. The special prices are the best of the year, So shop from home and finish your Christmas Shopping. You will find some great deals on special holiday sets and many other great Usborne Titles! To place your order click on the following link www.ubah.com/HOS132941,
and place your order.
You will be entered in a Drawing for the HOSTESS BENEFITS for that show. This is one other way for me to thank you for helping me build a business. I will be contacting the Lucky winner on December 1st!
Good Luck!
Melissa Copfer
Usborne Books at Home/ EDC Publishing

I hope this doesn't offend anyone, I just thought some of you might be interested in a good sale, even if it is on my Usborne books website. If anyone thinks this is too much or inappropriate, I'll pull it off and ever do it again.


Stacy said...

Sounds good to me!! But you haven't commented on the roll call yet!! You have to comment so everyone can get to know you better.

jEsSiCa said...

This is just perfect to post... No worries! I'll have to check it out:)