"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bean Bag for Annie

Hey, if you are still looking to buy a bean bag, this is where we got our's...
Kinda expensive but the cover can be removed and washed in the machine....been great with our kids!!
We have the queen size (khaki color) that you are welcome to borrow, but you'll have to get it out the door! :-)

April T.


Anonymous said...

Gee thank you for sending that info to me..:) I really need to invest in one---especially with wanting to do newborns more! I have been looking on KSL...even used luvsac's are about 150--300..AND they are HUGE!!!!!!!! lol
I need full and small!

thanks April for thinking of me!

Liz H said...

leannealise@aol.com. Makes bean bags. Go to http://adailyscoop.blogspot.com/2008/12/santas-gifts.html

it shows a picture of the bean bags made - I have no idea how much she charges, but she did say that she does different sizes. Send her your link to your photo blog (or offer to trade her a photo shoot in Vegas for a bean bag or two - short vacation bring home your bags and save on shipping).

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOooh Vegas! :)

April said...

Depending on how "small" you mean, you could always just do something like buy a pillow case and the beanbag filling from a craft store...then just sew up the end. Or if you are looking for something like that but alittle larger, it would be very easy to make a very large "pillow case" and fill it...
Something like that wouldn't set very high up in case the baby decided to roll off.