"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Baby Girl Stuff

My neice and her baby are in need of some help. Their apartment building burned down last week in Provo. She lost everything in the fire and didn't have renters insurance. If anyone has baby girl clothes (11 lbs - 2 mo. old) especially onsies and warm winter clothing, that you'd be willing to part with please contact me and I'll come and get them from you. If you have extra clothes in the closet that you're done with my neice wears a size 8 pants and a medium or large shirt size.

Thanks friends!


Sharida said...

I'll see what I can find Liz. I'm sure I've gotta have something. Do they need anything else? I've got some new glasses for Christmas and was waiting on Big Brother Big Sisters to make their next pic up of the old ones. And I'm sure I can find several other things that I can part with. Plus it'll help de-clutter!

Anonymous said...

Liz I have a GA-zillon things to give---you want me to drop off at your house?? when??

Tanada said...

I've got some baby girl clothes. I can drop them off at your house if you want. Do they need baby blankets too, I've got quite a few and could definately part with some.

Liz H said...

Ladies, you are so kind. My tears and heart are overflowing with your response. Thank you. She lost everything, so anything you can donate to help restart will be appreciated. I don't want to restock her apartment, but I want to give her a comfortable start with it.

Tana: A blanket or two would be great.

Sharida: Yes save the glasses for me. Merianda, the mom, could use a coat and gloves if you have them.

Annie: My family is coming up Saturday for Ashton's baptism at 2 pm. If I could come get them tomorrow night or Saturday morning that would be great. Or if you want to drop them off call me just to make sure I'm here (773-7183 or 589-3268).

Thanks again Sisters!

jEsSiCa said...

Hey Liz... I have a few things in my closet for Merianda, including a coat and scarf set. I only have a boy so I don't really have girlie stuff:) I wish I did. I'm also sorry to say I don't know where you live though, so I'll call ya!

Liz H said...

2181 S. Katies Way. I live across the street from the Stake Center. The address plaque is above my door. Ashton's baptism is at 2 but I should be here in the morning. Thanks for all the help ladies - you're awesome!!

Tanada said...

Sorry I didn't read your post until half an hour ago. I dropped off some stuff with your husband. I sent a big blanket along with the baby ones since I wasn't sure if they needed blankets too. I would have washed the snow suit, but I decided to grab it at the last moment and I'm so sorry it's a little dirty. It's really almost brand new. It was too small for Lillian from the time the snow fell, I just squeezed her into it because I hate to waste money.

Liz H said...

We had the family come by the house to pick up as many of the bags as they could fit in the back of their car (the rest I'll take down next Sunday). Thank you again for your responses. It was great to meet you Jessica and I really hope that you guys know this wasn't just "no big deal". You've helped her so much and I'm deeply grateful for Sisters who step up and sacrifice a little to benefit someone beyond description.


jEsSiCa said...

It was great to meet you too Liz! And thanks again for the opportunity to serve... I'm sure everyone feels that way as well. It never just benefits one person, and we were glad to help in whatever way we could! :)