"What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Book Club for March

So the book for this month is awesome and the great thing about this months book as well is that it gives great conversation even if you haven't read it. Please come and support book club on this Thursday march 5th at Jessica Gnehm's house. If you could bring a small treat that would be awesome. I was thinking that the theme could be healthy food, for 'making our marriages healthier'. So veggies or fruits or even cheese and crackers. That is just an idea for treats, bring or make whatever you want. Stacey suggested we do themes for the food for book club and I thought that sounded fun.

Please comment if you can come, so Jessica will have a heads up for numbers. I don't know if I can make it there this month due to the time (I have my nephew until eight, and my hubby has class).

p.s. Don't forget about HFPE tonight at the church at 6:30. The food is gonna be awesome. My dad (former chef) is coming over to help me make yorkshire pudding (my all time favorite food).


Stacy said...

I think I am coming but things are still a bit iffy with the new baby and all so I will give it my best shot.

Anonymous said...

I can't .:( I have a photoshoot in ogden at 4:00


jEsSiCa said...

It kinda sounds like no one can make it... so, am I going to be the only one discussing the book with myself? :) Just teasing... if we need to change day or time we totally can! Feedback??

Sharida said...

I'm good to go Thursday night. Can't promise something healthy, but I'll try! :) We could just party with the 2 of us! LOL

I'm good for whatever.

April said...

I really want to come...I just haven't been feeling well and this is the last bug I want to pass on to anyone.

Stacy said...

I forgot I told my sister I would go to the gym. We are going at 8 so I might not be able to come after all.

Sharida said...

I'll bring the hamburgers and we'll have a BBQ instead! :)

jEsSiCa said...

Perfect! Sharida, it looks like it's me and you:)

We can change it though if those who can't come would like to? Otherwise Sharida and I will just have a party together! :)

Stacy said...

I would love to come and I know April would since it was her book. I can't do next week Steve is gone all week and it looks like it will we dinner group. Anyways... whatever you want to do. I haven't even had a chance to finish it yet.

April said...

I would love to change it if possible. Sorry, I really would come. I just don't want to give everyone the flu!

Tanada said...

I think that you and Sharida should just book club it up and pick a book for everyone to read. If you switch it to eight I could make it but I'd be a little late. My nephew is at my house till eight fifteen. I know that it'd be nice to switch the days so that everyone can come, but every month someone won't be able to make it. Unless we want to vote on when book club should be then I think we should keep it on a set day. That way people can start planning on it and arranging their schedules to accommodate.

April said...

well if I'm feeling better tomorrow I will definitely come. I'm with Tana...8 would be better but I'll try to make 7.

Liz H said...

Sorry - would love to come. Read part of the book!

but.... It's Family Art Night at the school and I promised the boys I'd take them.

Have fun - I'll try and make it another time!

jEsSiCa said...

Thanks for the feedback everyone:)That totally makes sense Tana. Thanks! I think we'll just push it back to 8 and then it's a nice compromise. It will give a better chance for those who would like to try and make it to do so, but not switch everything up!

And I'll just provide a few 'healthy' snacks, since we're not planning on a big turnout, so that way it's one less thing for everyone to try and worry about as they're rushing around!:) Hopefully you can all come though! I would love it {I didn't finish the whole book either, but it will be a fun discussion!}

And, you might not want me to pick the book or I'll make everyone read something like "The Count of Monte Cristo{unabridged version}" or something!:)

jEsSiCa said...

Oh, and April, I'm so sorry you're feeling sick! Hopefully you are up for it tomorrow:) Hey, you could always wear a mouth mask?!? ;) lol!

April said...

I'm feeling much better today! I'm soo coming tonight...but I might be just a little late. Jared has a home teaching appt. at 7.

Tanada said...

I would love to read "The count of monte cristo" that was one of my favorite books from high school. And I am totally gonna come, hopefully I'll get there soon after eight. Whenever my sister in law comes to get Ethan.